At our house, we like to feed the birds. We feed the squirrels too, but that's another story. The walnut tree in our backyard is home to several generations of blue jays and cardinals. There's also a chickadee family, 3 crows and a flock of mourning doves. Just this week a pair of juncos moved in for the winter. Occasionally, we see a downy woodpecker. The blue jays start calling for us to toss them their breakfast peanuts about 7 a.m., and then swoop down as soon as they hear them hit the deck. They sort through them, testing four or five different peanuts before they find one that suits them. Even the rejects eventually get eaten. Once in a while a cardinal is lucky enough to grab one too. Meanwhile, the chipmunk who lives under the deck scurries around, stuffing as many as possible in his pouches. If you are a webtv-er and love birds, join the folks at alt.discuss.hobbies.birdwatching. Everyone is welcome there. |
Here are some of the best bird links that we have found:
Thanks to David and the other birdwatchers for suggesting these links!
Below are some of the birdwatcher's personal homepages:
Thanks to Sheryl for the charming birdhouse graphics
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